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A Match Made in Yorktown Heights

It pays to have friends in fascinating places. You need look no further than the cover of this issue and the article “ IBM’s Big Bet on the Quantum-Centric Supercomputer” for evidence. The article by Ryan Mandelbaum, Antonio D. Córcoles, and Jay Gambetta came to us courtesy of the article’s illustrator, the inimitable graphic artist Carl De Torres, a longtime IEEE Spectrum contributor as well as a design and communications consultant for IBM Research.

Story ideas typically originate with Spectrum’s editors and pitches from expert authors and freelance journalists. So we were intrigued when De Torres approached Spectrum about doing an article on IBM Research’s cutting-edge work on quantum-centric supercomputing.

De Torres has been collaborating with IBM in a variety of capacities since 2009, when, while at Wired magazine creating infographics, he was asked by the ad agency Ogilvy to work on Big Blue’s advertising campaign “Let’s build a Smarter Planet.” That project went so well that De Torres struck out on his own the next year. His relationship with IBM expanded, as did his engagements with other media, such as Spectrum, Fortune, and The New York Times. “My interest in IBM quickly grew beyond helping them in a marketing capacity,” says De Torres, who owns and leads the design studio Optics Lab in Berkeley, Calif. “What I really wanted to do is get to the source of some of the smartest work happening in technology, and that was IBM Research.”

Last year, while working on visualizations of a quantum-centric supercomputer with Jay Gambetta, vice president and lead scientist of IBM Quantum at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., De Torres was inspired to contact Spectrum’s creative director, Mark Montgomery, with an idea.

“I really loved this process because I got to bring together two of my favorite clients to create something really special.” —Carl De Torres

“I thought, ‘You know, I think IEEE Spectrum would love to see this work,’” De Torres told me. “So with Jay’s permission, I gave Mark a 30-second pitch. Mark liked it and ran it by the editors, and they said that it sounded very promising.” De Torres, members of the IBM Quantum team, and Spectrum editors had a call to brainstorm what the article could be. “From there everything quickly fell into place, and I worked with Spectrum and the IBM Quantum team on a visual approach to the story,” De Torres says.

As for the text, we knew it would take a deft editorial hand to help the authors explain what amounts to the peanut butter and chocolate of advanced computing. Fortunately for us, and for you, dear reader, Associate Editor Dina Genkina has a doctorate in atomic physics, in the subfield of quantum simulation. As Genkina explained to me, that speciality is “adjacent to quantum computing, but not quite the same—it’s more like the analog version of QC that’s not computationally complete.”

Genkina was thrilled to work with De Torres to make the technical illustrations both accurate and edifying. Spectrum prides itself on its tech illustrations, which De Torres notes are increasingly rare in the space-constrained era of mobile-media consumption.

“Working with Carl was so exciting,” Genkina says. “It was really his vision that made the article happen, and the scope of his ambition for the story was at times a bit terrifying. But it’s the kind of story where the illustrations make it come to life.”

De Torres was happy with the collaboration, too. “I really loved this process because I got to bring together two of my favorite clients to create something really special.”

This article appears in the September 2024 print issue.

The Doyen of the Valley Bids Adieu

When Senior Editor Tekla S. Perry started in this magazine’s New York office in 1979, she was issued the standard tools of the trade: notebooks, purple-colored pencils for making edits and corrections on page proofs, a push-button telephone wired into a WATS line for unlimited long distance calling, and an IBM Selectric typewriter, “the latest and greatest technology, from my perspective,” she recalled recently.

And she put that typewriter through its paces. “In this period she was doing deep and outstanding reporting on major Silicon Valley startups, outposts, and institutions, most notably Xerox PARC,” says Editorial Director for Content Development Glenn Zorpette, who began his career at IEEE Spectrum five years later. “She did some of this reporting and writing with Paul Wallich, another staffer in the 1980s. Together they produced stories that hold up to this day as invaluable records of a pivotal moment in Silicon Valley history.”

Indeed, the October 1985 feature story about Xerox PARC, which she cowrote with Wallich in 1985, ranks as Perry’s favorite article.

“While now it’s widely known that PARC invented history-making technology and blew its commercialization—there have been entire books written about that—Paul Wallich and I were the first to really dig into what had happened at PARC,” she says. “A few of the key researchers had left and were open to talking, and some people who were still there had hit the point of being frustrated enough to tell their stories. So we interviewed a huge number of them, virtually all in person and at length. Think about who we met! Alan Kay, Larry Tesler, Alvy Ray Smith, Bob Metcalfe, John Warnock and Chuck Geschke, Richard Shoup, Bert Sutherland, Charles Simonyi, Lynn Conway, and many others.”

“I know without a doubt that my path and those of my younger women colleagues have been smoothed enormously by the very fact that Tekla came before us and showed us the way.” –Jean Kumagai

After more than seven years of reporting trips to Silicon Valley, Perry relocated there permanently as Spectrum’s first “field editor.”

Over the course of more than four decades, Perry became known for her profiles of Valley visionaries and IEEE Medal of Honor recipients, most recently Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. She established working relationships—and, in some cases, friendships—with some of the most important people in Northern California tech, including Kay and Smith, Steve Wozniak (Apple), Al Alcorn and Nolan Bushnell (Atari), Andy Grove (Intel), Judy Estrin (Bridge, Cisco, Packet Design), and John Hennessy (chairperson of Alphabet and former president of Stanford).

Just as her interview subjects were regarded as pioneers in their fields, Perry herself ranks as a pioneer for women tech journalists. As the first woman editor hired at Spectrum and one of a precious few women journalists reporting on technology at the time, she blazed a trail that others have followed, including several current Spectrum staff members.

“Tekla had already been at Spectrum for 20 years when I joined the staff,” Executive Editor Jean Kumagai told me. “I know without a doubt that my path and those of my younger women colleagues have been smoothed enormously by the very fact that Tekla came before us and showed us the way.”

Perry is retiring this month after 45 years of service to IEEE and its members. We’re sad to see her go and I know many readers are, too—from personal experience. I met an IEEE Life Member for breakfast a few weeks ago. I asked him, as an avid Spectrum reader since 1964, what he liked most about it. He began talking about Perry’s stories, and how she inspired him through the years. The connections forged between reader and writer are rare in this age of blurbage and spew, but the way Perry connected readers to their peers was, well, peerless. Just like Perry herself.

This article appears in the August 2024 print issue.

Scaling Compute to Satiate AI

Fifty years ago, DRAM inventor and IEEE Medal of Honor recipient Robert Dennard created what essentially became the semiconductor industry’s path to perpetually increasing transistor density and chip performance. That path became known as Dennard scaling, and it helped codify Gordon Moore’s postulate about device dimensions shrinking by half every 18 to 24 months. For decades it compelled engineers to push the physical limits of semiconductor devices.

But in the mid-2000s, when Dennard scaling began running out of juice, chipmakers had to turn to exotic solutions like extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography systems to try to keep Moore’s Law on pace. On a visit to GlobalFoundries in Malta, N.Y., in 2017 to see the company install its first EUV system, senior editor Samuel K. Moore asked one expert what the fab would need to achieve even smaller device dimensions. “We’d probably have to build a particle accelerator under the parking lot,” the man joked. The idea seemed so fantastic that it stuck with Moore.

So when Tokyo-based tech journalist John Boyd recently pitched a story about an effort to harness a linear accelerator as an EUV light source, Moore was excited. Boyd’s visit to the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, known as KEK, in Tsukuba, Japan, became the basis for “Is the Future of Moore’s Law in a Particle Accelerator?” As he reports, KEK’s system generates light by “boosting electrons to relativistic speeds and then deviating their motion in a particular way.”

So far, KEK researchers have managed to blast a 17-megaelectron-volt electron beam in bursts of 20-micrometer infrared light, a ways away from the current industry standard of 13.5 nanometers. But the KEK team is optimistic about their technology’s prospects.

While the industry’s ability to affordably make smaller devices has certainly slowed, Moore believes that scaling has a few tricks up its sleeve yet. In addition to brighter light sources like the one KEK is working on, future complementary field-effect transistors (CFETs) will build two transistors in the space of one.

“I believe Wong and Liu want young, technically minded people to understand the importance of keeping semiconductor advances going and to make them want to be part of that effort,” Moore says.

In the shorter term, Moore says stacking chips is the most effective way to keep increasing the amount of logic and memory you can throw at a problem.

“There are always going to be functions in a CPU or GPU that don’t scale as well as core processor logic. Increasingly, it doesn’t make sense to try to keep building all these parts using the core logic’s bleeding-edge chip processes,” Moore says. “It makes more sense to build each part with its best, most economical process, and put them back together as a stack, or at least in the same package.”

To meet the demands of the booming AI sector, makers of GPUs will need to stack up. When former Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. chairman Mark Liu and TSMC chief scientist H.-S. Philip Wong wanted to get their message out about the future of CMOS, they approached Moore. The result is “The Path to a 1-Trillion-Transistor GPU.” In addition to Wong’s corporate role, he’s also an academic. One of the worries he’s repeatedly expressed to Moore is that AI and software generally are pulling talent away from semiconductor engineering.

“I believe Wong and Liu want young, technically minded people to understand the importance of keeping semiconductor advances going and to make them want to be part of that effort,” Moore says. “They want to show that semiconductor engineering has a career-long future despite much talk of the death of Moore’s Law.”

Space-based Solar Power: A Great Idea Whose Time May Never Come

The scene: A space-based solar power station called the Converter being commissioned some time in the Future. The characters: Two astronauts, Powell and Donovan, and a robot named QT-1 (“Cutie” to its human friends). The plot: The astronauts are training Cutie to take over the station’s operations, which involve collecting solar energy in space and then directing it as intense beams of microwaves down to Earth.

This is the backdrop for Isaac Asimov’s 1941 short story “Reason.” Most of the story centers around Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and the humans’ relationship with the robot. But the station itself is worth a second look. It’s pretty clear Asimov had no idea how a system like the Converter would actually work, except in the most basic terms. Here’s how Powell tries to explain it to Cutie:

“Our beams feed these worlds energy drawn from one of those huge incandescent globes that happens to be near us. We call that globe the Sun and it is on the other side of the station where you can’t see it.”

Harnessing the power of the sun in space is certainly an enticing idea. A decade ago we featured a project at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency that aimed to launch a 1-gigawatt solar station by 2031. As a step in that direction, JAXA says it will demonstrate a small satellite transmitting 1 kilowatt of power to Earth from an altitude of 400 kilometers next year. We’ve also reported on Caltech’s SSPD-1 demonstrator project and the US $100 million from a billionaire donor who funds it.

A space solar project would “waste capital that could be better spent improving less risky ways to shore up renewable energy, such as batteries, hydrogen, and grid improvements.”

And yet, space-based solar power remains more science fiction than science fact, as Henri Barde writes in “Castles in the Sky?” Barde should know: He recently retired from the European Space Agency, where among other things he evaluated space power systems. As Barde’s article makes abundantly clear, this clean energy would come at an enormous cost, if it can be done at all, “[wasting] capital that could be better spent improving less risky ways to shore up renewable energy, such as batteries, hydrogen, and grid improvements.”

For example, U.K.-based Space Solar estimates it will need 68 (!) SpaceX Starship launches to loft all the assets necessary to build one 1.7-km-long solar array in orbit. Nevermind that SpaceX hasn’t yet successfully launched a Starship into orbit and brought it back in one piece. Even if the company can eventually get the price down to $10 million per launch, we’re still talking hundreds of millions of dollars in launch costs alone. We also don’t have real-life Cuties to build such a station. And the ground stations and rectennas necessary for receiving the beamed power and putting it on the grid are still just distant dots on a road map in someone’s multimillion dollar research proposal.

Engineers are often inspired by science fiction. But inspiration only gets you so far. Space-based solar power will remain sci-fi fodder for the foreseeable future. For the monumental task of electrifying everything while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it’s better to focus on solutions based on technology already in hand, like conventional geothermal, nuclear, wind, and Earth-based solar, rather than wasting time, brainpower, and money on a fantasy.

This article appears in the June 2024 print issue as “The Chasm Between Imagination and Feasibility.”
