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Today — 21 September 2024Main stream

How breaking up Google could lower your online shopping bill

20 September 2024 at 23:42
How breaking up Google could lower your online shopping bill

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson)

As the US Department of Justice aims to break up Google's alleged ad tech monopoly, experts say that remedies sought in the antitrust trial could potentially benefit not just advertisers and publishers but also everyone targeted by ads online.

So far, the DOJ has argued that through acquisitions, Google allegedly monopolizes the ad server market, taking a substantial cut of every online ad sale by tying together products on the buyer and seller sides. Locking publishers into using its seller-side platform to access its large advertiser demand, Google also allegedly shut out rivals by pushing advertisers into a corner, then making it hard for publishers to switch platforms.

This scheme also allegedly set Google up to charge higher "monopoly" fees, the DOJ argued, allegedly putting some publishers out of business and raising costs for advertisers.

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Yesterday — 20 September 2024Main stream

“Not smart”: Philly man goes waaaay too far in revenge on group chat rival

20 September 2024 at 19:49
Picture of two rivals fighting.

Enlarge / Guys, it was just a group chat! Over fantasy football! (credit: John Lamb | Getty Images)

Philadelphia has learned its lesson the hard way: football makes people a little crazy. (Go birds!) Police here even grease downtown light poles before important games to keep rowdy fans from climbing them.

But Matthew Gabriel, 25, who lives in Philly's Mt. Airy neighborhood, took his football fanaticism to a whole 'nother level. For reasons that remain unclear, Gabriel grew incensed with a University of Iowa student who was also a member of Gabriel's fantasy football group chat.

So Gabriel did what anyone might do under such circumstances: He waited until the student went to Norway for a study abroad visit in August 2023, then contacted Norwegian investigators (Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste) through an online "tip" form and told them that the student was planning a mass shooting. Gabriel's message read, in part:

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Before yesterdayMain stream

Google’s ad tech empire may be $95B and “too big” to sell, analysts warn DOJ

11 September 2024 at 20:20
A staffer with the Paul, Weiss legal firm wheels boxes of legal documents into the Albert V. Bryan US Courthouse at the start of a Department of Justice antitrust trial against Google over its advertiing business in Alexandria, Virginia, on September 9, 2024. Google faces its second major antitrust trial in less than a year, with the US government accusing the tech giant of dominating online advertising and stifling competition.

Enlarge / A staffer with the Paul, Weiss legal firm wheels boxes of legal documents into the Albert V. Bryan US Courthouse at the start of a Department of Justice antitrust trial against Google over its advertiing business in Alexandria, Virginia, on September 9, 2024. Google faces its second major antitrust trial in less than a year, with the US government accusing the tech giant of dominating online advertising and stifling competition. (credit: SAMUEL CORUM / Contributor | AFP)

Just a couple of days into the Google ad tech antitrust trial, it seems clear that the heart of the US Department of Justice's case is proving that Google Ad Manager is the key to the tech giant's alleged monopoly.

Google Ad Manager is the buy-and-sell side ad tech platform launched following Google's acquisition of DoubleClick and AdX in 2008 for $3 billion. It is currently used to connect Google's publisher ad servers with its ad exchanges, tying the two together in a way that allegedly locks the majority of publishers into paying higher fees on the publisher side because they can't afford to drop Google's ad exchange.

The DOJ has argued that Google Ad Manager "serves 90 percent of publishers that use the ad tech tools to sell their online ad inventory," AdAge reported, and through it, Google clearly wields monopoly powers.

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Hybrid Bonding Plays Starring Role in 3D Chips

Chipmakers continue to claw for every spare nanometer to continue scaling down circuits, but a technology involving things that are much bigger—hundreds or thousands of nanometers across—could be just as significant over the next five years.

Called hybrid bonding, that technology stacks two or more chips atop one another in the same package. That allows chipmakers to increase the number of transistors in their processors and memories despite a general slowdown in the shrinking of transistors, which once drove Moore’s Law. At the IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) this past May in Denver, research groups from around the world unveiled a variety of hard-fought improvements to the technology, with a few showing results that could lead to a record density of connections between 3D stacked chips: some 7 million links per square millimeter of silicon.

All those connections are needed because of the new nature of progress in semiconductors, Intel’s Yi Shi told engineers at ECTC. Moore’s Law is now governed by a concept called system technology co-optimization, or STCO, whereby a chip’s functions, such as cache memory, input/output, and logic, are fabricated separately using the best manufacturing technology for each. Hybrid bonding and other advanced packaging tech can then be used to assemble these subsystems so that they work every bit as well as a single piece of silicon. But that can happen only when there’s a high density of connections that can shuttle bits between the separate pieces of silicon with little delay or energy consumption.

Out of all the advanced-packaging technologies, hybrid bonding provides the highest density of vertical connections. Consequently, it is the fastest growing segment of the advanced-packaging industry, says Gabriela Pereira, technology and market analyst at Yole Group. The overall market is set to more than triple to US $38 billion by 2029, according to Yole, which projects that hybrid bonding will make up about half the market by then, although today it’s just a small portion.

In hybrid bonding, copper pads are built on the top face of each chip. The copper is surrounded by insulation, usually silicon oxide, and the pads themselves are slightly recessed from the surface of the insulation. After the oxide is chemically modified, the two chips are then pressed together face-to-face, so that the recessed pads on each align. This sandwich is then slowly heated, causing the copper to expand across the gap and fuse, connecting the two chips.

Making Hybrid Bonding Better

An illustration showing how to make hybrid bonding better
  1. Hybrid bonding starts with two wafers or a chip and a wafer facing each other. The mating surfaces are covered in oxide insulation and slightly recessed copper pads connected to the chips’ interconnect layers.
  2. The wafers are pressed together to form an initial bond between the oxides.
  3. The stacked wafers are then heated slowly, strongly linking the oxides and expanding the copper to form an electrical connection.
  1. To form more secure bonds, engineers are flattening the last few nanometers of oxide. Even slight bulges or warping can break dense connections.
  2. The copper must be recessed from the surface of the oxide just the right amount. Too much and it will fail to form a connection. Too little and it will push the wafers apart. Researchers are working on ways to control the level of copper down to single atomic layers.
  3. The initial links between the wafers are weak hydrogen bonds. After annealing, the links are strong covalent bonds [below]. Researchers expect that using different types of surfaces, such as silicon carbonitride, which has more locations to form chemical bonds, will lead to stronger links between the wafers.
  4. The final step in hybrid bonding can take hours and require high temperatures. Researchers hope to lower the temperature and shorten the process time.
  5. Although the copper from both wafers presses together to form an electrical connection, the metal’s grain boundaries generally do not cross from one side to the other. Researchers are trying to cause large single grains of copper to form across the boundary to improve conductance and stability.

Hybrid bonding can either attach individual chips of one size to a wafer full of chips of a larger size or bond two full wafers of chips of the same size. Thanks in part to its use in camera chips, the latter process is more mature than the former, Pereira says. For example, engineers at the European microelectronics-research institute Imec have created some of the most dense wafer-on-wafer bonds ever, with a bond-to-bond distance (or pitch) of just 400 nanometers. But Imec managed only a 2-micrometer pitch for chip-on-wafer bonding.

The latter is a huge improvement over the advanced 3D chips in production today, which have connections about 9 μm apart. And it’s an even bigger leap over the predecessor technology: “microbumps” of solder, which have pitches in the tens of micrometers.

“With the equipment available, it’s easier to align wafer to wafer than chip to wafer. Most processes for microelectronics are made for [full] wafers,” says Jean-Charles Souriau, scientific leader in integration and packaging at the French research organization CEA Leti. But it’s chip-on-wafer (or die-to-wafer) that’s making a splash in high-end processors such as those from AMD, where the technique is used to assemble compute cores and cache memory in its advanced CPUs and AI accelerators.

In pushing for tighter and tighter pitches for both scenarios, researchers are focused on making surfaces flatter, getting bound wafers to stick together better, and cutting the time and complexity of the whole process. Getting it right could revolutionize how chips are designed.

WoW, Those Are Some Tight Pitches

The recent wafer-on-wafer (WoW) research that achieved the tightest pitches—from 360 nm to 500 nm—involved a lot of effort on one thing: flatness. To bond two wafers together with 100-nm-level accuracy, the whole wafer has to be nearly perfectly flat. If it’s bowed or warped to the slightest degree, whole sections won’t connect.

Flattening wafers is the job of a process called chemical mechanical planarization, or CMP. It’s essential to chipmaking generally, especially for producing the layers of interconnects above the transistors.

“CMP is a key parameter we have to control for hybrid bonding,” says Souriau. The results presented at ECTC show CMP being taken to another level, not just flattening across the wafer but reducing mere nanometers of roundness on the insulation between the copper pads to ensure better connections.

“It’s difficult to say what the limit will be. Things are moving very fast.” —Jean-Charles Souriau, CEA Leti

Other researchers focused on ensuring those flattened parts stick together strongly enough. They did so by experimenting with different surface materials such as silicon carbonitride instead of silicon oxide and by using different schemes to chemically activate the surface. Initially, when wafers or dies are pressed together, they are held in place with relatively weak hydrogen bonds, and the concern is whether everything will stay in place during further processing steps. After attachment, wafers and chips are then heated slowly, in a process called annealing, to form stronger chemical bonds. Just how strong these bonds are—and even how to figure that out—was the subject of much of the research presented at ECTC.

Part of that final bond strength comes from the copper connections. The annealing step expands the copper across the gap to form a conductive bridge. Controlling the size of that gap is key, explains Samsung’s Seung Ho Hahn. Too little expansion, and the copper won’t fuse. Too much, and the wafers will be pushed apart. It’s a matter of nanometers, and Hahn reported research on a new chemical process that he hopes to use to get it just right by etching away the copper a single atomic layer at a time.

The quality of the connection counts, too. The metals in chip interconnects are not a single crystal; instead they’re made up of many grains, crystals oriented in different directions. Even after the copper expands, the metal’s grain boundaries often don’t cross from one side to another. Such a crossing should reduce a connection’s electrical resistance and boost its reliability. Researchers at Tohoku University in Japan reported a new metallurgical scheme that could finally generate large, single grains of copper that cross the boundary. “This is a drastic change,” says Takafumi Fukushima, an associate professor at Tohoku. “We are now analyzing what underlies it.”

Other experiments discussed at ECTC focused on streamlining the bonding process. Several sought to reduce the annealing temperature needed to form bonds—typically around 300 °C—as to minimize any risk of damage to the chips from the prolonged heating. Researchers from Applied Materials presented progress on a method to radically reduce the time needed for annealing—from hours to just 5 minutes.

CoWs That Are Outstanding in the Field

A series of gray-scale images of the corner of an object at increasing magnification. Imec used plasma etching to dice up chips and give them chamfered corners. The technique relieves mechanical stress that could interfere with bonding.Imec

Chip-on-wafer (CoW) hybrid bonding is more useful to makers of advanced CPUs and GPUs at the moment: It allows chipmakers to stack chiplets of different sizes and to test each chip before it’s bound to another, ensuring that they aren’t dooming an expensive CPU with a single flawed part.

But CoW comes with all of the difficulties of WoW and fewer of the options to alleviate them. For example, CMP is designed to flatten wafers, not individual dies. Once dies have been cut from their source wafer and tested, there’s less that can be done to improve their readiness for bonding.

Nevertheless, researchers at Intel reported CoW hybrid bonds with a 3-μm pitch, and, as mentioned, a team at Imec managed 2 μm, largely by making the transferred dies very flat while they were still attached to the wafer and keeping them extra clean throughout the process. Both groups used plasma etching to dice up the dies instead of the usual method, which uses a specialized blade. Unlike a blade, plasma etching doesn’t lead to chipping at the edges, which creates debris that could interfere with connections. It also allowed the Imec group to shape the die, making chamfered corners that relieve mechanical stress that could break connections.

CoW hybrid bonding is going to be critical to the future of high-bandwidth memory (HBM), according to several researchers at ECTC. HBM is a stack of DRAM dies—currently 8 to 12 dies high—atop a control-logic chip. Often placed within the same package as high-end GPUs, HBM is crucial to handling the tsunami of data needed to run large language models like ChatGPT. Today, HBM dies are stacked using microbump technology, so there are tiny balls of solder surrounded by an organic filler between each layer.

But with AI pushing memory demand even higher, DRAM makers want to stack 20 layers or more in HBM chips. The volume that microbumps take up means that these stacks will soon be too tall to fit properly in the package with GPUs. Hybrid bonding would shrink the height of HBMs and also make it easier to remove excess heat from the package, because there would be less thermal resistance between its layers.

“I think it’s possible to make a more-than-20-layer stack using this technology.” —Hyeonmin Lee, Samsung

At ECTC, Samsung engineers showed that hybrid bonding could yield a 16-layer HBM stack. “I think it’s possible to make a more-than-20-layer stack using this technology,” says Hyeonmin Lee, a senior engineer at Samsung. Other new CoW technology could also help bring hybrid bonding to high-bandwidth memory. Researchers at CEA Leti are exploring what’s known as self-alignment technology, says Souriau. That would help ensure good CoW connections using just chemical processes. Some parts of each surface would be made hydrophobic and some hydrophilic, resulting in surfaces that would slide into place automatically.

At ECTC, researchers from Tohoku University and Yamaha Robotics reported work on a similar scheme, using the surface tension of water to align 5-μm pads on experimental DRAM chips with better than 50-nm accuracy.

The Bounds of Hybrid Bonding

Researchers will almost certainly keep reducing the pitch of hybrid-bonding connections. A 200-nm WoW pitch is not just possible but desirable, Han-Jong Chia, a project manager for pathfinding systems at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. , told engineers at ECTC. Within two years, TSMC plans to introduce a technology called backside power delivery. (Intel plans the same for the end of this year.) That’s a technology that puts the chip’s chunky power-delivery interconnects below the surface of the silicon instead of above it. With those power conduits out of the way, the uppermost levels can connect better to smaller hybrid-bonding bond pads, TSMC researchers calculate. Backside power delivery with 200-nm bond pads would cut down the capacitance of 3D connections so much that a measure of energy efficiency and signal speed would be as much as eight times better than what can be achieved with 400-nm bond pads.

Black squares dot most of the top of an orange metallic disc. Chip-on-wafer hybrid bonding is more useful than wafer-on-wafer bonding, in that it can place dies of one size onto a wafer of larger dies. However, the density of connections that can be achieved is lower than for wafer-on-wafer bonding.Imec

At some point in the future, if bond pitches narrow even further, Chia suggests, it might become practical to “fold” blocks of circuitry so they are built across two wafers. That way some of what are now long connections within the block might be able to take a vertical shortcut, potentially speeding computations and lowering power consumption.

And hybrid bonding may not be limited to silicon. “Today there is a lot of development in silicon-to-silicon wafers, but we are also looking to do hybrid bonding between gallium nitride and silicon wafers and glass wafers…everything on everything,” says CEA Leti’s Souriau. His organization even presented research on hybrid bonding for quantum-computing chips, which involves aligning and bonding superconducting niobium instead of copper.

“It’s difficult to say what the limit will be,” Souriau says. “Things are moving very fast.”

This article was updated on 11 August 2024.

This article appears in the September 2024 print issue as “The Copper Connection.”

How AI Will Change Chip Design

The end of Moore’s Law is looming. Engineers and designers can do only so much to miniaturize transistors and pack as many of them as possible into chips. So they’re turning to other approaches to chip design, incorporating technologies like AI into the process.

Samsung, for instance, is adding AI to its memory chips to enable processing in memory, thereby saving energy and speeding up machine learning. Speaking of speed, Google’s TPU V4 AI chip has doubled its processing power compared with that of its previous version.

But AI holds still more promise and potential for the semiconductor industry. To better understand how AI is set to revolutionize chip design, we spoke with Heather Gorr, senior product manager for MathWorks’ MATLAB platform.

How is AI currently being used to design the next generation of chips?

Heather Gorr: AI is such an important technology because it’s involved in most parts of the cycle, including the design and manufacturing process. There’s a lot of important applications here, even in the general process engineering where we want to optimize things. I think defect detection is a big one at all phases of the process, especially in manufacturing. But even thinking ahead in the design process, [AI now plays a significant role] when you’re designing the light and the sensors and all the different components. There’s a lot of anomaly detection and fault mitigation that you really want to consider.

Portrait of a woman with blonde-red hair smiling at the camera Heather GorrMathWorks

Then, thinking about the logistical modeling that you see in any industry, there is always planned downtime that you want to mitigate; but you also end up having unplanned downtime. So, looking back at that historical data of when you’ve had those moments where maybe it took a bit longer than expected to manufacture something, you can take a look at all of that data and use AI to try to identify the proximate cause or to see something that might jump out even in the processing and design phases. We think of AI oftentimes as a predictive tool, or as a robot doing something, but a lot of times you get a lot of insight from the data through AI.

What are the benefits of using AI for chip design?

Gorr: Historically, we’ve seen a lot of physics-based modeling, which is a very intensive process. We want to do a reduced order model, where instead of solving such a computationally expensive and extensive model, we can do something a little cheaper. You could create a surrogate model, so to speak, of that physics-based model, use the data, and then do your parameter sweeps, your optimizations, your Monte Carlo simulations using the surrogate model. That takes a lot less time computationally than solving the physics-based equations directly. So, we’re seeing that benefit in many ways, including the efficiency and economy that are the results of iterating quickly on the experiments and the simulations that will really help in the design.

So it’s like having a digital twin in a sense?

Gorr: Exactly. That’s pretty much what people are doing, where you have the physical system model and the experimental data. Then, in conjunction, you have this other model that you could tweak and tune and try different parameters and experiments that let sweep through all of those different situations and come up with a better design in the end.

So, it’s going to be more efficient and, as you said, cheaper?

Gorr: Yeah, definitely. Especially in the experimentation and design phases, where you’re trying different things. That’s obviously going to yield dramatic cost savings if you’re actually manufacturing and producing [the chips]. You want to simulate, test, experiment as much as possible without making something using the actual process engineering.

We’ve talked about the benefits. How about the drawbacks?

Gorr: The [AI-based experimental models] tend to not be as accurate as physics-based models. Of course, that’s why you do many simulations and parameter sweeps. But that’s also the benefit of having that digital twin, where you can keep that in mind—it’s not going to be as accurate as that precise model that we’ve developed over the years.

Both chip design and manufacturing are system intensive; you have to consider every little part. And that can be really challenging. It’s a case where you might have models to predict something and different parts of it, but you still need to bring it all together.

One of the other things to think about too is that you need the data to build the models. You have to incorporate data from all sorts of different sensors and different sorts of teams, and so that heightens the challenge.

How can engineers use AI to better prepare and extract insights from hardware or sensor data?

Gorr: We always think about using AI to predict something or do some robot task, but you can use AI to come up with patterns and pick out things you might not have noticed before on your own. People will use AI when they have high-frequency data coming from many different sensors, and a lot of times it’s useful to explore the frequency domain and things like data synchronization or resampling. Those can be really challenging if you’re not sure where to start.

One of the things I would say is, use the tools that are available. There’s a vast community of people working on these things, and you can find lots of examples [of applications and techniques] on GitHub or MATLAB Central, where people have shared nice examples, even little apps they’ve created. I think many of us are buried in data and just not sure what to do with it, so definitely take advantage of what’s already out there in the community. You can explore and see what makes sense to you, and bring in that balance of domain knowledge and the insight you get from the tools and AI.

What should engineers and designers consider when using AI for chip design?

Gorr: Think through what problems you’re trying to solve or what insights you might hope to find, and try to be clear about that. Consider all of the different components, and document and test each of those different parts. Consider all of the people involved, and explain and hand off in a way that is sensible for the whole team.

How do you think AI will affect chip designers’ jobs?

Gorr: It’s going to free up a lot of human capital for more advanced tasks. We can use AI to reduce waste, to optimize the materials, to optimize the design, but then you still have that human involved whenever it comes to decision-making. I think it’s a great example of people and technology working hand in hand. It’s also an industry where all people involved—even on the manufacturing floor—need to have some level of understanding of what’s happening, so this is a great industry for advancing AI because of how we test things and how we think about them before we put them on the chip.

How do you envision the future of AI and chip design?

Gorr: It’s very much dependent on that human element—involving people in the process and having that interpretable model. We can do many things with the mathematical minutiae of modeling, but it comes down to how people are using it, how everybody in the process is understanding and applying it. Communication and involvement of people of all skill levels in the process are going to be really important. We’re going to see less of those superprecise predictions and more transparency of information, sharing, and that digital twin—not only using AI but also using our human knowledge and all of the work that many people have done over the years.
