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Study Supports Quantum Basis of Consciousness in the Brain

This shows a man's head.A new study suggests that consciousness may be rooted in quantum processes, as researchers found that a drug binding to microtubules delayed unconsciousness in rats under anesthesia. This discovery supports the idea that anesthesia acts on microtubules, potentially lending weight to the quantum theory of consciousness. The research challenges classical models of brain activity, suggesting that consciousness could be a collective quantum vibration within neurons. These findings could reshape our understanding of consciousness, with implications for anesthesia, brain disorders, and consciousness in non-human animals.

Consciousness in AI: Distinguishing Reality from Simulation

This shows a robotic face.A new study examines the possibility of consciousness in artificial systems, focusing on ruling out scenarios where AI appears conscious without actually being so. Using the free energy principle, the study highlights that while some information processes of living organisms can be simulated by computers, the causal structure differences between brains and computers may be crucial for consciousness. This approach aims to prevent the inadvertent creation of artificial consciousness and mitigate deception by seemingly conscious AI.

Mindfulness Can Induce Altered States of Consciousness

This shows a person meditating.Mindfulness training can lead to altered states of consciousness, such as disembodiment and unity. Researchers found that participants were twice as likely to experience these states compared to a control group. While these experiences can be positive, they may also be startling or unpleasant. Mindfulness teachers and students should discuss these potential side effects.