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How I Used Basketball to Help Black Boys Embrace Emotional Wellness

"It would be amazing if the boys were able to find their voices and develop confidence before they go into high school," my supervisor remarked during a meaningful conversation about Black boys in our school.

She expressed genuine concern about the challenges many staff members faced in effectively relating to and supporting Black boys. She noted that the boys would often have emotional outbursts in class, and when confronted about their behavior, they would become unresponsive and disengaged. This lack of engagement was evident as they avoided eye contact by looking down, fidgeting with their hands and seemed generally disinterested in the conversation. Their reluctance to speak up was further highlighted by their low, hesitant voices and apparent skepticism about expressing themselves.

Engaging Black boys effectively in conversations about emotional wellness requires a deep understanding of their unique experiences and cultural backgrounds. Culturally relevant approaches are essential in supporting their emotional development and fostering a sense of belonging. These behaviors created a significant barrier to staff understanding the students' needs and providing the necessary support, underscoring the importance of developing more culturally responsive and empathetic approaches.

Initially, whenever individual students ran into emotional outbursts, I tried traditional methods like distributing worksheets focused on mental health and wellness. However, these worksheets merely listed definitions and coping mechanisms without providing engaging content or opportunities for meaningful discussion. It became evident that these approaches were not resonating with students. Digging deeper, I discovered a shared passion for basketball among the boys who were expected to be a part of the group.

"Leveraging this interest could be key," I proposed in the next meeting with my supervisor; with their support, I introduced the "Talk it Out Basketball" program as a way to blend their favorite hobby with meaningful discussions on emotional expression and self-worth. This initiative allowed them to feel heard and valued β€” and gave teachers and administrators an opportunity to discover a new method that can help address the mental health crisis of Black boys in the classroom.

Playing Through It

Recognizing the urgent need to create a safe space where these boys could thrive, I started an eight-week β€œTalk it Out Basketball” program a few months ago, with five boys from the seventh and eighth grades. This program aimed to blend their passion for basketball with meaningful discussions on emotional expression and self-worth. The first week began with a circle gathering, where I introduced the program's concept, emphasizing the importance of creating a safe space for open dialogue.

To break the ice, we started with questions related to their favorite aspects of basketball and what the sport meant to them, fostering a sense of camaraderie and trust within the group. As we progressed through the program, each session delved into specific themes crucial to their emotional development, including identity exploration, representation, dreams and aspirations, self-expression, empowerment and critical inner voice analysis.

Students eagerly lined up on the court for the game rounds during each session. Questions related to confidence and self-esteem were posed, with varying difficulty levels. For instance, questions like, β€œHave you ever let a fear of failure hold you back from something new? How did you overcome it?” challenged them to confront personal obstacles and share strategies for resilience. Each correct answer earned points for their team, which encouraged healthy competition and teamwork.

At the end of each session, I provided an opportunity for students to debrief for five minutes, share their thoughts and feelings and reflect on what they learned about themselves and each other, identifying affirmations and setting personal goals for growth.

Enriching Lives One Basketball at a Time

The powerful influence of the β€œTalk it Out Basketball” program was evident in the transformative experiences of the participants. A clear sign of its success unfolded when a student, previously hesitant to vocalize his emotions, mustered the courage to approach his dean and request a fidget toy during moments of overwhelm β€” an unexpected act of self-advocacy that signaled a remarkable shift in his emotional awareness and coping strategies.

This singular instance not only exemplifies the program’s capacity to empower individuals to assert their needs but also underscores its broader mission of fostering a culture of openness and support among students.

Moreover, teachers reported observations of heightened engagement among students who participated in the program; even when they did not know the answers to questions in class, they still made an effort to contribute. Such outcomes highlight the importance of culturally relevant approaches in nurturing emotional resilience and fostering a sense of belonging among marginalized youth.

By seamlessly integrating basketball, a familiar passion, with structured discussions on identity, self-expression and empowerment, this program not only enriched the lives of the participants but also set a precedent for holistic, community-driven interventions in Black male youth development.

It’s crucial to recognize that Black boys are not a monolithic group; while basketball may resonate deeply with some, it may not necessarily be the ideal approach for every cohort. This emphasizes the importance of initiating conversations with students to understand their interests and preferences, thereby ensuring that interventions are both culturally relevant and personally meaningful.

By actively involving students in shaping their educational experiences and bringing elements of their identities into the school space, we foster a sense of ownership and belonging that is essential for holistic well-being and academic success.

Β© oneinchpunch / Shutterstock

How I Used Basketball to Help Black Boys Embrace Emotional Wellness

Social-Emotional Learning Strategies Don't Work for Every Student. Here's What Does.

Throughout this academic year, I facilitated a training session on social-emotional learning (SEL) strategies for educators at a high-needs elementary school. During one of the sessions, a seasoned teacher's candid remarks struck a chord. He explicitly stated, β€œI know that that is what the book says we should do, but these kids are from Brownsville. We tried that, and it hasn’t worked.”

At that moment, it dawned on me that traditional SEL approaches might not suffice for students entrenched in adversity, necessitating a more nuanced and culturally sensitive framework to effectively meet their emotional needs.

When I looked for research on the effectiveness of SEL in impoverished neighborhoods serving Black and Latino students, I found limited data. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there is a growing demand for support among black and brown students in these communities, leading to an increase in programs and professional development opportunities for staff. However, these efforts have not effectively addressed the underlying issues.

Despite the availability of professional development opportunities, many programs seem disconnected from the realities faced by Black and Latino students, perpetuating the existing challenges. As a result, the problem persists, and the need for targeted, impactful programs and services remains unmet.

As a Black social work supervisor who has navigated the educational system β€” and now works directly with students from underserved communities β€” I intimately understand the chasm between SEL ideals and our students' lived experiences.

Many of our students, despite their resilience, face immense challenges beyond the scope of conventional SEL strategies. For example, a child raised in an environment filled with violence and neglect may find it difficult to relate to SEL activities that presume stable family structures and access to emotional support.

In this situation, it would be unjust of me to expect children to embrace themselves when feeling overwhelmed or to recite affirmations when they've never experienced such gestures or words of encouragement from authoritative figures or felt loved throughout their lives.

I remember several occasions when I discussed coping strategies with students, often suggesting techniques like breathing exercises, journaling, meditation or talking to someone. However, many students have told me directly, "Miss, that doesn't make me feel better." Some have tried journaling but struggle to express themselves in writing. Breathing exercises didn't always help them de-escalate as expected, and meditation seemed irrelevant to their lived experiences.

This disconnect shows the urgent need for SEL initiatives to not only be culturally responsive but also adaptive to the diverse realities of our students.

Collaborative, Student-Led SEL

I am committed to advocating for holistic approaches that prioritize equity and inclusion. I want to ensure that SEL initiatives resonate authentically with every student, regardless of their background or circumstances. Rather than imposing our theoretical knowledge and professional competencies in social work and mental health, we should prioritize student-led approaches.

When I ask students about what they believe they need to effectively cope with stress, I often hear responses like, β€œI simply don’t know, Miss." Despite this sentiment, I believe there is still power in giving students the space to reflect, even if their initial response is rooted in uncertainty. By doing so, we empower them to recognize that healing and coping strategies can be personalized and do not have to conform to pre-established norms or expectations. This approach acknowledges the uniqueness of each student's experience and fosters a more inclusive and responsive environment for their well-being.

Whether through cultural expression, music therapy, peer support groups or other innovative methods, the key is to help students tap into coping strategies that align with their experiences and communities. This personalized approach validates their individuality and fosters a deeper connection between educators, counselors and students.

While research on SEL has provided valuable insights in the past, it's crucial to recognize that the field is dynamic. Just because there was research conducted before doesn't mean we can't adapt and refine our methods to ensure they are inclusive and relevant to all students today. This continuous evolution is essential to meet the unique challenges and realities faced by our students.

Moreover, it's essential to acknowledge our own limitations as adults and professionals in the field of SEL. Even with our expertise, we don't have all the answers. At the end of the day, students are the true experts on their own experiences, irrespective of their age. Their insights, perspectives and feedback are invaluable in shaping effective SEL practices that resonate authentically with their lives.

This requires us to challenge existing paradigms, listen intently to our students' voices and collaborate across disciplines to develop tailored strategies that honor their lived experiences. By doing so, we not only acknowledge the resilience and strength inherent in each student but also create pathways for genuine healing, growth and empowerment.

All in all, we must shift our focus from imposing solutions to empowering voices, ensuring that every student feels seen, heard and valued as we journey together toward holistic well-being and success.

Β© Yossakorn Kaewwannarat / Shutterstock

Social-Emotional Learning Strategies Don't Work for Every Student. Here's What Does.