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Today’s high school experience is overwhelming for students – many schools have complex rotation schedules, and students are expected to juggle their academic lives with an ever-expanding set of extracurriculars. The hardest part of high school shouldn’t be managing your schedule, and this cool tool, Saturn, aims to solve this.

Saturn is the first calendar built specifically for high school students. It has been designed from the ground up to support all of the irregularities of high school schedules, whether that is lunch waves, block schedules, or unusual rotation patterns. The app helps students become more productive and engaged members of their communities by better managing their class schedules, after-school activities, and community events – all while connecting with their friends.

Saturn was founded on the belief that students’ most important community is actually the community closest to them – their high school. Unlike other social media platforms that serve as time-sinks via an endless feed of content, Saturn’s mission is to give students time back so they can focus on spending more time with the people that matter most to them. Features include countdowns, communal bulletin boards, and the ability to upload class schedules with just a photo.

Dylan Diamond (look for an upcoming interview with him in EdTech Digest) first built a calendar app in 2015, when he was a high school junior. He was in search of a tool to help manage his high school’s complex schedule, telling him where he needed to be and when, and also where his friends were. Three years later, Dylan and his co-founder launched a similar calendar app for other high schools, and the results were clear. This was a product that high school students badly needed. Today, Saturn is a leading mobile app, supporting students at almost 20,000 schools and millions of students used it during this past school year.

Saturn is designed to prioritize student safety throughout the product. Saturn employs multi-layered verification processes aimed to connect users to their specific school community on Saturn. Saturn also maintains Community Guidelines, and monitors content and user reports on the app to facilitateΒ  content that upholds a vibrant, informative, and safe environment for all users. When Saturn or its users identify inappropriate content, Saturn may report it to the relevant school or law enforcement. Learn more.

The post Saturn appeared first on EdTech Digest.
