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Moral Values Shift with the Seasons

This shows a half barren tree.A study has found that people's endorsement of moral values fluctuates seasonally, with group-focused values like loyalty, authority, and purity being more strongly supported in spring and fall. This fluctuation has significant implications for politics, legal decisions, and public health, as shifts in moral values can influence behaviors and judgments. The research also suggests a link between anxiety levels and these moral shifts, pointing to the potential impact of seasonal changes on societal outcomes.

Study Reveals Shared Values Among US Voters Despite Political Divide

This shows a blue and red fist.New research reveals that most American voters, regardless of political affiliation, share similar values, but fail to recognize their common ground. This misperception exacerbates societal conflict and pessimism about the future. When shown evidence of their shared values, participants felt more hopeful and trusting towards the other side. The study calls for media and social scientists to highlight these commonalities to reduce perceived polarization.