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Gene Therapy Restores Vision

This shows an eye.A new gene therapy has restored vision in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis type I (LCA1), a rare genetic condition causing blindness. In a small trial, those receiving the highest dose saw up to a 10,000-fold improvement in light sensitivity and significant gains in reading and navigation abilities.

Childhood Vision Loss Affects Sound Distance Judgement

This shows a child wearing glasses.New research reveals that individuals who experience vision loss before age 10 struggle more with judging sound distance compared to those who lose sight later in life. This difficulty in perceiving the location of sounds has significant implications for safety and navigation. The study highlights the need for tailored healthcare solutions for those with early vision loss to enhance their quality of life.

Antioxidants Slow Vision Loss in Late-Stage Dry AMD

This shows an eye.Researchers found that daily antioxidant supplements slow the progression of late-stage dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The supplements help preserve central vision by slowing the expansion of geographic atrophy regions in the retina. This finding supports the use of AREDS2 supplements for people with late dry AMD.