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Memory Cues May Help Reduce Alcohol Consumption

This shows a woman with a drink.A study suggests that recalling past alcohol experiences before drinking can slow down consumption, indicating a potential strategy to reduce alcohol intake. In the study, women who remembered a previous drinking episode took longer to consume an alcoholic beverage, possibly due to reduced motivation to drink. This approach, along with strong health warnings, may offer new methods to curb excessive alcohol consumption. Further research is needed to explore this effect in males.

Parental Alcohol Use Linked to Early Aging in Kids

This shows a dad and child.Children of parents with alcohol use disorders inherit early aging symptoms, including high cholesterol, heart problems, arthritis, and early-onset dementia. This effect is worse if both parents have alcohol issues, especially in male offspring, due to mitochondrial dysfunction inherited from parents. Researchers suggest that improving mitochondrial health through exercise and vitamin intake could help delay these effects.