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Yesterday — 18 September 2024Main stream

Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here

18 September 2024 at 11:00
A person writing

Enlarge (credit: Memento | Aurich Lawson)

Given the flood of photorealistic AI-generated images washing over social media networks like X and Facebook these days, we're seemingly entering a new age of media skepticism: the era of what I'm calling "deep doubt." While questioning the authenticity of digital content stretches back decades—and analog media long before that—easy access to tools that generate convincing fake content has led to a new wave of liars using AI-generated scenes to deny real documentary evidence. Along the way, people's existing skepticism toward online content from strangers may be reaching new heights.

Deep doubt is skepticism of real media that stems from the existence of generative AI. This manifests as broad public skepticism toward the veracity of media artifacts, which in turn leads to a notable consequence: People can now more credibly claim that real events did not happen and suggest that documentary evidence was fabricated using AI tools.

The concept behind "deep doubt" isn't new, but its real-world impact is becoming increasingly apparent. Since the term "deepfake" first surfaced in 2017, we've seen a rapid evolution in AI-generated media capabilities. This has led to recent examples of deep doubt in action, such as conspiracy theorists claiming that President Joe Biden has been replaced by an AI-powered hologram and former President Donald Trump's baseless accusation in August that Vice President Kamala Harris used AI to fake crowd sizes at her rallies. And on Friday, Trump cried "AI" again at a photo of him with E. Jean Carroll, a writer who successfully sued him for sexual assault, that contradicts his claim of never having met her.

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To Address Climate Anxiety, Consider How Students Get Their News on the Issue

18 September 2024 at 10:00

College students around the world have deep-seated fears, if not despair about the existential threat of climate change — fears they may have harbored since childhood. As the frequency of severe weather events increases and the Earth’s temperature inches upward, emotions have intensified for a lot of students in the United States and it turns out that many keep their concerns about living on a warming planet to themselves.

At Project Information Literacy (PIL), the nonprofit independent research institute I lead, a group of library and information science and new media researchers — including myself — conduct national research about the information seeking behavior of college students and recent graduates. As the director and a principal investigator at PIL with 25 years of experience as a professor of new media and communication theory, I'm focused on investigating what it’s like to be a student in the digital age.

Earlier this year, we surveyed nearly 1,600 undergraduate students from nine U.S. colleges and universities as part of a larger study on how people living in America encounter and respond to climate change news and information. Our survey delved into why some students are distrustful or ambivalent while others still have hope in the midst of gloom. This research was part of a yearlong study we led, examining how our sharply divergent attitudes and beliefs about climate change are shaped by news and information we encounter, curate, engage with and share.

According to our survey data, 78 percent of the students who responded indicated that climate change made them anxious about their future and 88 percent reported that they are anxious for future generations. As one respondent put it in an open response question, “This is our future, and we’re watching it be destroyed.” Another wrote: “There has been so much damage and loss of life as a result of climate change that I feel as though I’m becoming numb to it — it’s just the new normal, especially for my generation.”

Amid the anxiety, however, are notable glimmers of hope. Of our survey respondents, 90 percent agreed that humanity has the ability to mitigate climate change, 78 percent believed in the power of individual action and more than 80 percent were motivated to be part of the climate change solution.

There’s good news in findings like these for educators looking for opportunities to affect change. Even if students say they are “sad,” “worried,” “anxious” and “angry” about living on a planet in peril, many are taking individual steps to fight climate change, no matter how small they seem. Hannah Ritchie, senior researcher in the Programme for Global Development at the University of Oxford and deputy editor at “Our World in Data” refers to the growing attention to do something about climate change as “urgent optimism.” Ritchie suggests reframing how we talk about climate change and that developing a sense of optimism and hope can be steps toward collective action.

In an opinion essay published by “Scientific American,” Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, associate professor at Colby College wrote that the key to talking with students about climate change is letting them express their feelings and fears before introducing any scientific facts. That’s when discussions can happen and students can see how community climate action amplifies solutions, which can then counter despair, inform policy making and spark hope.

If faculty, librarians and administrators at colleges and universities want to bring more attention to climate change, it’s critical to understand not just what students know about the climate crisis but how they know it and how this shapes their beliefs and attitudes. How do students encounter and respond to the topic of climate change in the media, in conversations with others, and in relation to themselves?

When analyzing our survey data, we found that most student respondents curate information streams that include climate change news, but they are not consumed by it. While they followed news of all kinds, most said they had read, listened to, or heard only “some” or “a little” climate change news during the past week.

One reason for this may be the bleak tone of climate change coverage by the media. More than three-quarters of the student sample agreed with the statement, “The media focuses more on the negative impacts of climate change rather than solutions.” What appears lacking in most climate coverage from left- or right-leaning sources alike is not so much a sense of urgency, but possible solutions and adaptations offering a way forward.

An earlier PIL study about how students engage with the news involved a survey of 5,844 undergraduates at 11 American colleges, found that the college classroom is an influential incubator for discussing news and interpreting current events. In that study, seven in 10 respondents to our survey said they had learned of news about a range of topics in discussions with professors during the preceding week.

From open responses to our current survey, we learned that the college classroom is also a crucial source of information for helping students learn about climate change and what role they might play in doing something about it. As one student put it, “hearing about climate change makes me want to be part of a solution, it’s why I’m studying environmental science.”

While a majority of students say they had similar opinions about climate change as people in their orbit, including family and friends, their participation in the public square was notably limited. Only 26 percent of students said they shared ideas or links to climate change news and information through in-person conversations or on social media in the month prior to taking the survey.

This contradiction is one of the complexities that surfaced from our findings about climate change discourse: Students are motivated to be part of the solution but they’re not actively talking with like-minded people in their lives about how they could collectively take action.

Surprisingly, many of the students we surveyed say they trust the veracity of climate scientists. This kind of trust gets parlayed into making efficient decisions about truthfulness of climate information: A significant majority (82 percent) agreed scientists understand the causes of climate change, and more than half believed most news about the climate crisis was credible.

Many students also expressed that they combined their innate trust with other methods of verifying the reliability of news, like comparing one source with another for fact-checking. While growing up, many say they’ve learned about media and information literacy and have made source evaluation a habitual practice. This finding confirms the success of librarians’ research instruction with students.

Since the rising generation of college students will be the ones to live with the consequences of climate change decisions we make now, knowing their perspective is vital for addressing climate change today. Given that many feel overwhelmed by anxiety and despair, we must figure out how to transform their concerns and fears into a sense that we are not doomed and that collective action is still possible and desperately needed.

The snapshot of our survey about how college students respond to climate change tells us they have devoted considerably more attention to thinking about climate change than their counterparts in the general population have. Higher education faculty and administrators have a critical role to play in helping students gain a sense of agency as we confront a global climate challenge.

The classroom may be the best place for faculty to start. Class discussions about climate change news can help students see connections between their news practices and their academic work, while showing that familiarity with news is a social practice and a form of civic engagement. Several studies in the social sciences and sciences have shown discussions like these can build critical thinking and disciplinary knowledge.

There is still much work to be done to help students translate climate anxiety into shared action. But as one student wrote: “It’s very easy to feel hopeless about a situation you don’t directly have control over, but progress always starts from the bottom.”

© Irie.Graphics / Shutterstock

To Address Climate Anxiety, Consider How Students Get Their News on the Issue
Before yesterdayMain stream

What Happens When a School Closes Its Library?

12 September 2024 at 10:00

HOUSTON — On a Saturday morning in August 2023, a crowd gathered outside the Houston Independent School District administration building with protest signs in hand. The brutal, sticky heat of Texas summer already had people wiping sweat from their brows and handing out bottled water from ice-filled coolers.

Teachers, parents and politicians took turns at the microphone, united in their criticism of the controversial state takeover of Texas’ largest school district. One fear expressed was about how the mostly Black and Latino students at 28 schools would fare under a plan created by new Superintendent Mike Miles that would require school libraries to cease, in essence, functioning as libraries.

Demonstrators gather in August 2023 in protest of Houston ISD's plan to close libraries in schools. Photo by Nadia Tamez-Robledo for EdSurge.

Instead, they would become “team centers,” where teachers would send disruptive students to work independently. The most high-achieving students would be funneled there, too, where they could do worksheets at their own pace and free up teachers to focus on everyone else.

Taylor Hill, a student at Wheatley High School, would experience the change firsthand. Her school is located in Houston’s Fifth Ward neighborhood and serves a student body that is nearly 100 percent classified as economically disadvantaged.

The Texas Education Agency awards letter grades to schools and districts based on test scores and other student performance metrics. When Wheatley High received a seventh “F” rating from the Texas Education Agency in 2019, it triggered the state takeover of the district. A Houston lawmaker championed the 2015 law that created the mandatory takeover process, something he saw as a way to hold the district accountable for continually low-performing schools.

At the protest, Hill stepped up to the podium and spoke into the microphone, talking over a crescendo of buzzing cicadas. The library at her school is a refuge, she said.

“I live in Fifth Ward. There's not a lot there, but what is there should not be turned into a detention center, especially when I am constantly there,” Hill told the crowd. “I read a lot, and I just feel like that is not what needs to happen.”

Unfortunately for Hill, the new state-appointed superintendent went through with his plan. A year later, the early consequences are becoming clear. School librarians have lost their jobs. Teachers have adopted a district-approved curriculum that some feel is rote and uninspiring. And children are receiving different educations depending on which part of the city they call home — a divide that maps onto Houston’s income and racial disparities.

Man With a Plan for ‘Differentiation’

Mike Miles was appointed superintendent in June 2023, brought in to lead the state takeover and improve academic performance in Houston.

In addition to districts, schools in Texas are individually given A through F grades based partially on standardized test scores. Miles quickly created big and controversial plans to improve scores. One strategy among his planned overhaul — called the New Education System, or NES — was to close libraries at 28 schools out of the district’s 274 total and turn them into “team centers.” It would accomplish two goals, he said: create a place to send “disruptive” students after removing them from class as well as an environment to send high-achieving students for enrichment.

School principals were also given the option to voluntarily adopt the new system, becoming what the district referred to as “NES-aligned.” After adding in those campuses, a total of 85 schools would start fall 2023 under the program.

The problem? Myriad parents and teachers alike hated the idea of closing down libraries and isolating students, especially considering these schools — and the entire school district — serves a student population that’s overwhelmingly Black and Latino.

The map below shows Houston schools that are part of the New Education System with each neighborhood color-coded based on median income. Click on the map to see more information about income in each neighborhood. Areas become more green as income increases and more blue as income decreases.
Map by Nadia Tamez-Robledo for EdSurge.

One was Melissa Yarborough, a teacher at Navarro Middle School in Houston’s East End, which is home to one of the city’s historically Latino neighborhoods. While not targeted as a failing school or assigned to the New Education System, her campus leaders adopted much of district's new curriculum, according to Yarborough. Navarro Middle officially became an NES school in 2024.

Her two children, however, were students at one of the targeted schools, Pugh Elementary in the city’s northeastern Denver Harbor neighborhood. Although, it wasn’t labeled as “failing” when Miles was appointed superintendent. It had an A rating from the state in 2022. Even by Houston ISD’s own calculations, the school is expected to earn a B rating when 2023 and 2024 school “report cards” are released. It was a tougher scoring formula released last year that makes earning high “grades” harder. A lawsuit by Texas school districts over the change has halted the release of 2023 ratings for now, and a second lawsuit is similarly blocking the state from releasing 2024 ratings.

As demonstrators hung back and talked after the protest, Yarborough said she was horrified by the way Miles described his plan to move disruptive students to the library-turned-team-center and tune into lessons via Zoom.

“He said, ‘Imagine. I'm walking in with 150 kids. All the children are working on their own little assignment or whatever, individually or in pairs,’” Yarborough recalled. “He said it to me like it's a beautiful thing.”

Screenshot of teacher and parent Melissa Yarborough speaking during the public comment portion of a board meeting in February. Video courtesy of Houston ISD.

She said Miles sold the idea as “differentiation,” a principle that all teachers learn during their undergraduate training. In essence, it’s the idea that teachers should adjust their lessons to each student’s needs, whether they’re struggling or grasping a concept quickly.

Yarborough said Miles’ plan isn’t effective differentiation, though. Disruptive students will receive a worse education, if the results of pandemic-era Zoom classes are any indicator, she said. And doing worksheets in the library isn’t a reward for high-achievers, she added.

Duncan Klussmann agreed with Yarborough’s assessment. A former superintendent of nearby Spring Branch Independent School District, he is now a professor of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Houston. Ultimately, Klussmann said, Miles’ model is designed to produce higher test scores. But Klussmann is more interested to know what the student experience is in these schools.

“Just because you have higher state test schools, do more students go off to higher ed?” he asked. “Are they successful when they go off to higher ed? Do more students get a technical certification? Do more students go into the military, you know? Do they have a better life after high school? We don't know. We won't know for four, six, 10 years what the effect is of NES schools on students.”

Officials from Houston ISD did not respond to interview or information requests from EdSurge.

Displaced Librarians

When Brandie Dowda was hired at Burrus Elementary, a campus home to mostly Black and Hispanic students, she was the first librarian employed by the school in a decade.

Her tenure wouldn’t last long.

During summer 2023 — the same one during which Houstonians like student Hill and parent Yarborough protested outside the district administration building — Dowda was on vacation when the principal at Burrus informed her that the librarian position was being eliminated. The campus was going to be part of the inaugural New Education System cohort of schools, and the library would be closed.

Dowda found another librarian position in the district at Almeda Elementary and said she was happy at her new school. The library had long been central to life at the campus, and Dowda said students were rarely seen without a book in hand.

But again, her tenure would be short-lived.

Librarian Brandie Dowda poses in front of knitted protest signs before speaking at a board of managers meeting in August 2024. Photo courtesy of Dowda.

Dowda was leaving for work one morning in January 2024 and quickly scrolled through the news feed on her phone before heading out the door when she saw it — a news article announcing that 26 more schools would join the New Education System in the fall of 2024.

Dowda’s school was on the list. “I went, ‘Oh, I get to do this again,’” she recalled. “I found out from the regular news, which if I remember correctly, is also how my principal found out. It's kind of how everybody found out.”

Dowda said that her former library at Burrus wasn’t turned into a team center — a classroom was used instead — but students still weren’t allowed to access the books. Then, in May 2024 at Almeda, she was in the middle of a lesson when movers arrived to begin disassembling the library, she said. As the school year ended, the carpet was left with bald spots where shelves had been removed and the concrete floor underneath showed through. Her students were upset to learn that their library would be closed when they returned in the fall.

The library at Almeda Elementary after bookshelves were removed. Photo courtesy of Brandie Dowda.

Dowda’s story mirrors that of Cheryl Hensley, the former librarian at Lockhart Elementary. Hensley had been retired from her 38-year career in Houston ISD when a friend coaxed her into applying for the librarian position at the campus, which is in the city’s historically Black neighborhood of Third Ward.

Like Dowda at Almeda Elementary, she was at Lockhart for one year before her job was eliminated. Her principal opted into the NES standards believing that, in doing so, decisions about the school would still ultimately be made at the campus level. Hensley found out she lost her job in summer 2023.

“The principal is a super supporter of libraries and books and literature and reading, all over, I mean 100 percent,” Hensley said, “and so she was thinking I would be OK. They told [the principal] they could keep everybody, that everything would be the same and nothing would change.”

Cheryl Hensley poses in the library at Lockhart Elementary, where she was formerly a librarian and where she now volunteers monthly. She says that while the books have not been removed, they are not checked out to students. Photo courtesy of Hensley.

But then Hensley heard from the principal: “She called me in and just said, ‘No, I can't keep you. They told me that I have to turn my library into a team center.’”

Beyond the professional upheaval, Hensley and Dowda worry about what the absence of a school library will mean for students’ success in elementary school and beyond. Third grade is widely noted as a critical time for children to achieve reading proficiency, otherwise putting them at risk of falling behind academically during each subsequent year.

“I teach them to love to read,” Hensley said. “If you're invested so much in reading and math, then you're missing a major component [by closing libraries]. Because if a kid loves to read, they will read more. If a kid loves to read, he will comprehend more. We are part of that solution.”

Hensley said she visited her former colleagues and students at Lockhart monthly during the 2023-24 school year, and students asked her if she was back to reopen the library each time. It has been turned into a team center with about 50 desks, she says, where students are sent if they finish their classwork early.

Hensley said the school’s library, even if it’s not operating as one, still has books thanks to the principal’s actions in 2023. A work crew arrived to remove the shelves — making way for the team center desks — when the principal was at an off-campus meeting, Hensley recalled. The principal returned just in time to tell the crew that nothing was to be taken.

“She said, ‘We'll work that out, because you're not taking the books,’” Hensley says. “She pushed back, and I appreciate her 100 percent because still the library itself at Lockhart is basically intact.”

Houston ISD told Houston Landing that some schools allow students to informally check out books on an “honor system.”

The NES approach might fix the problem of low test scores, she said, “but it's not going to give you a lifetime learner or lifetime reader that will read and comprehend and think for themselves.”

While the district is moving forward with bringing more schools in its New Education System — and closing more libraries in the process — Dowda said that there aren’t any parents or community members she’s heard from who see library closures as a smart move.

“Why are you closing the libraries when you want to improve literacy and reading scores? They have not yet explained to us how that makes sense,” Dowda said. “I'm not the only one who has pointed out that this is not happening in the schools in the west side of Houston, which are the affluent schools that are mostly white. It is happening in the Title I schools with high poverty rates that are populated mostly by African American and Hispanic students.”

Dowda won’t be looking for yet another librarian job within Houston ISD. Instead, she found one in a different school district nearby. She predicts other educators who work at NES schools will do the same.

“I'm going to go to another district that values libraries,” she said, “and where I can have stability in a library and go about my librarian business of helping children find books that they enjoy reading.”

‘It’s Segregation’

It was last November that Yarborough, the Houston teacher and parent, stepped outside the bounds of the new NES curriculum for the final time.

After the summer protest, Yarborough started the 2023-24 school year using the district’s mandated materials. But three months in, she had had enough of watching students in her English language arts class mentally check out from the monotony of the new structure: She read off district-created slides, and then students answered a multiple-choice question by holding up a markerboard where they scribbled an A, B, C or D. For short-answer questions, they wrote on an index card. Over and over, until it was time for a five-question quiz.

Would Miles or any of those board members send their child to an NES school? They would say, 'Oh, no. My kids need to be more challenged.'

— Melissa Yarborough

“By November I was like, ‘I'm done with this,’” Yarborough recalls. “They're not learning. I know they can. I'm going to go back to a great lesson.”

For Native American Heritage Month, Yarborough decided to introduce her sixth graders to stories, poems and songs that fit the theme, despite them not being approved for use. Each time she rebelled by using a story or activity in class, even if an observing school administrator had liked the lesson, her supervisor would remind Yarborough the next day not to stray from the slides that were sent over by the district.

Eventually, an assistant principal called Yarborough into her office. She reminded Yarborough that the district’s orders barred teachers at NES-aligned schools like Navarro Middle from giving students quizzes, tests or any assessment outside of what was part of district-provided slideshows.

“It sounded kind of like a threat where she said, ‘I'm telling you before the [executive director] comes and tells you herself,’” Yarborough recalls. “‘You're going to be in big trouble with the ED herself if you don't start doing this now.’”

Yarborough quit her teaching job in January. She now works as a teacher in a nearby district, outside of the NES program. She couldn’t be part of a system that was forcing her to, as Yarborough puts it, treat students like machines.

“I knew they weren't learning. I knew I wasn't preparing them for anything in life besides a STAAR test,” Yarborough says, referencing the state’s annual standardized test, “and I was having to deny their humanity while we did that. I was so stressed, and my stomach was always a knot. I was like, ‘This is horrible. I can't keep doing this.’”

The slideshow model didn’t give her time to help students understand concepts before moving on, or for students to practice a skill on their own. The timed, jam-packed schedule didn’t even leave most kids with time to go to the bathroom, she says.

“They've just been holding up the whiteboard on the multiple-choice question slides, so they haven't been able to read a story and think through it and make mistakes and get feedback on their own,” Yarborough says. “So you have kids who will give up, and they just write any letter on their whiteboard, and it doesn't matter to them. And Mike Miles calls this engagement, but that's just obedience — because when a student is really engaged, it's their mind that's engaged, not their hand with a marker.”

Despite educators’ concerns, district leaders are riding high on data showing that some campuses made huge improvements in their overall accountability ratings — rising by 30 or more points, in some cases — during Miles’ first year at the helm. The district called the increases “remarkable” in a news release, noting the changes made under the New Education System.

While the state has been blocked from releasing annual school accountability scores, Houston ISD crunched the numbers itself and released its campuses’ preliminary scores. Wheatley High School, the source of low scores that triggered the state takeover, will increase from a “D” rating in 2023 to a “B” at the end of the 2024 academic year. The number of schools rated “A” and “B” will more than double during the same period, according to the district, while “D” and “F” campuses will fall to 41 schools in 2024 compared to 121 the previous year.

“We are incredibly proud of what we’ve been able to achieve in one year,” Miles said in the news release. “Together with our dedicated teachers, principals, and everyone at HISD, we will continue to provide high-quality instruction that builds on this growth.”

The first year of NES was turbulent, with a seemingly constant stream of new reforms. Protesters spoke out against the overhaul at public meetings, with plans for massive layoffs angering parents. Employee turnover during Miles’ tenure was 33 percent higher than the previous year.

Miles has remained cool under the barrage of criticism — including from a panel of graduating seniors who had firsthand experience under his New Education System. He brushed off the idea that a 9,000-student drop in enrollment was worrisome, telling the Houston Chronicle that the “numbers are changing every day ... but we feel confident that we’re going to keep growing in our enrollment until September.”

In the same article, a parent said her children had “hollow zombie faces” due to the stressful environment at their Houston ISD school. She opted to have them do virtual schooling this year.

As a parent, Yarborough wasn’t only troubled by how the superintendent’s test-centered plan changed school for the students she taught. Both of her children attended Pugh Elementary, part of the original cohort of NES schools, during the 2023-24 school year. She said her daughter’s fourth-grade class operated much like Yarborough was expected to run her sixth-grade class. Her son’s first-grade class wasn’t much different.

“My younger one would say, ‘Today's the same as every day,’” she recalls. “He said there wasn't the best part or the worst part. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad. It was just a flat line, like blah, every day.”

Yarborough found another school for her children — her son has specifically asked not to go back to Pugh Elementary for second grade. But to ensure she chose a school that’s beyond the reach of the New Education System, it meant looking at areas of the city that are wealthier.

Earlier this year, the district brought the total number of NES schools to 130 — nearly half of schools in the district — when it added 45 campuses to the NES roster.

“Miles is not going to target the schools where the parents have wealth and power, and that's concentrated in the schools with higher white populations,” Yarborough says. “And that's due to a legacy of racism.”

She feels bad about searching for schools based on the income level of their students’ families. But she doesn’t feel like she has a choice.

“Would Miles or any of those board members send their child to an NES school? They would say, ‘Oh, no. My kids need to be more challenged. My kids need a better social environment. My kids,’” Yarborough said. “They're giving our kids less. They're treating our kids differently. It's segregation.”

© Photo courtesy of Brandie Dowda.

What Happens When a School Closes Its Library?

Mystery Writing by Discovery Education

19 August 2024 at 12:00

During the recent ISTELive 2024 in Denver, Discovery Education unveiled Mystery Writing by Discovery Education by offering elementary educators nationwide the unique opportunity to participate in the development of its latest product through a free, year-long trial. 

Mystery Writing is a dynamic and engaging writing program designed specifically for students in grades K-5. This innovative curriculum captivates young learners with “wow!” content that not only sparks their interest but also builds their confidence in writing.

One of the standout features of Mystery Writing is its no-prep, open-and-go lesson plans, which make it exceptionally easy for multi-subject elementary educators to implement. Teachers can effortlessly provide differentiated lessons tailored to the varying needs of their students, ensuring that each child receives instruction appropriate to their skill level.

The program’s structure explicitly teaches the writing process through a series of step-by-step written, visual, and auditory directions. This comprehensive approach ensures that no young writer is left struggling with the daunting “fear of the blank page.” By featuring stories and visuals that are of high interest to students, Mystery Writing maintains student engagement and enthusiasm throughout the learning process. The inclusion of visual and auditory directions caters to different learning styles, making the lessons accessible to all students, including those who might need additional support. 

Moreover, Mystery Writing’s content is thoughtfully designed to seamlessly integrate various subjects, making learning multidimensional and holistic. Students are not only improving their writing skills but also enhancing their overall academic knowledge. 

In summary, Mystery Writing is an invaluable resource for elementary educators, providing an effective and enjoyable way to teach the writing process. Its innovative design ensures that students remain engaged, confident, and fear-free when it comes to writing. With Mystery Writing, teachers can foster a love for writing in their students that will last a lifetime.

Elementary school educators interested in claiming their free trial can visit the Mystery Writing website here

The post Mystery Writing by Discovery Education appeared first on EdTech Digest.

AI for Education

26 July 2024 at 12:30

Their mission is to help educators and academic institutions responsibly adopt AI technology, empowering teachers and ultimately improving student outcomes while preparing them for the future. To help achieve this, AI for Education provides an assortment of freely available resources and training, including:

AI Literacy Curriculum;

School and policy development resources to help institutions and educators responsibly adopt AI, many of these have been translated into different languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) by educators in different countries;

Free online course: An Essential Guide to AI for Educators, taken by over 3,000 educators globally;

A weekly webinar series, attended or watched by over 10,000 people;  

Their robust and popular Prompt Library for Educators, with 75 prompts across a variety of educator needs. Categories include: Administration, Lesson Planning, Assessment, Communication, Special Needs, and for Students.

Every prompt:

• Is designed to work with any freely available chatbot version
• can be customized to suit an educator’s particular needs
• provides examples to help get you started and crystalize their use
• provides further ideas for getting creative and exploring their use
• allows educators to input their own knowledge and use their expertise to guide and refine the process, creating far better results.

In addition to the resources available on their site, they also work directly with schools to provide either in-person or virtual professional development training and workshops. They’re already working with dozens of schools, districts, and professional associations, including NYC DOE.

For these reasons and more, AI for Education is a Cool Tool Award Winner for “Best Resource / Other Helpful Site or Tool for Education” as part of The EdTech Awards 2024 from EdTech Digest. Learn more

The post AI for Education appeared first on EdTech Digest.

The AI Advantage

1 July 2024 at 15:30

How artificial intelligence can empower teachers to deliver quality education.

GUEST COLUMN | by Richard Savage, Ed.D.


Artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Gemini and Grammarly have taken the world by storm. ChatGPT alone is setting records with more than 1.6 billion visits per month and 180 million active users. 

While technology has always driven educational transformation, the fast arrival of AI tools has created considerable debate among educators, largely due to uncertainty about their operation and path forward.

‘While technology has always driven educational transformation, the fast arrival of AI tools has created considerable debate among educators, largely due to uncertainty about their operation and path forward.’

As an online-based school, we’ve asked ourselves how AI will impact our own curriculum as an online-based learning environment and our academic integrity. Whether we’re prepared or not, students are already embracing the AI trend: roughly one-in-five teenagers who have heard of ChatGPT utilized the tool to aid them in their schoolwork, according to a 2023 Pew Research Study.

Parents Say AI Skills for Children ‘Crucial’ 

While the need for critical conversation around AI tools is warranted, optimism is rising. An April 2024 YouGov survey revealed that two-thirds of parents with children under 18 consider learning AI skills crucial for K-12 students’ future career prospects.

As schools nationwide face learning loss and low student engagement, coupled with overwhelmed and understaffed teaching staff, educators have opportunities to improve their classrooms through AI:

  • Tracking Classroom Learning and Student Outcomes. One of the key advantages of AI is its capacity to process large volumes of data. In the classroom, this can provide teachers with deeper insights into student learning and outcomes. Platforms like BrightBytes use AI to track student performance, identify areas of difficulty and design effective interventions. Consolidating and analyzing classroom data through AI can help teachers create targeted instructional plans, ultimately enabling them to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

Educators Need Proper Training

However, our educators need proper training, AI literacy, and ethical guidelines to ensure responsible usage. This includes safeguarding student privacy, maintaining human oversight in AI-based decision-making and actively addressing algorithmic biases.

  • Personalize Learning Experiences. If the technology is available, kids will find it and use it. When it comes to AI, that may not be a bad thing. In a 2023 study by Quizlet, 73 percent of students indicated that AI helps them to understand material better; 67 percent said it helped them to study faster and more efficiently. 


In the classroom, AI-powered platforms and tools have the ability to provide students more tailored instruction and feedback that caters to their individual learning styles, preferences and pace of learning. Personalized approaches both enhance student engagement and motivation while fostering deeper understanding of material. New technologies can also play a pivotal role in aiding classroom inclusivity by offering tools that accommodate diverse learning needs. Technologies like text-to-speech, speech recognition and language translation break down barriers, allowing students with varying levels of language proficiency or learning abilities to engage with educational content. 

On the teacher’s end, educators can leverage AI-powered platforms like Curipod or Eduaide.Ai to develop interactive lessons, activities and assessments for specific students or the class as a whole in topics that might be a little harder to comprehend. 

  • Deploy AI in the Classroom To Assist with New Curriculum: Young people are prolific at using technology as it is something they have grown up with. Students have more information at the tip of their fingers than we ever thought possible. Unfortunately, there are times when the sources of news and information that students access contain misinformation.  

Getting Educated

Last year, the California Assembly passed Bill 873, which mandates media literacy education in various subjects, in response to the massive spread of misinformation and need for such skills. AI-based tools can help educators teach students how to recognize trusted sources vs. misinformation. In turn, this underscores the responsible use of technology and our responsibility as global citizens.

  • New, Innovative AI-Themed Classes: Offer “Intro to AI” or AI-forward classes. These types of classes can help students learn about the vast, real world applications of AI beyond ChatCPT and open up a world of future possibilities for them to consider. Potential class offerings could include a coding class for AI or science which focuses on the vast applications of AI in medicine today. 


Lastly, if your school is incorporating AI into the classroom or including it as part of the students’ educational experience, it is imperative that you establish a clear AI policy. Also, it is very important to explain and reiterate the policy to students as they advance grade levels.

As educators, we play a crucial role in molding the foundation for the next generation. Drawing upon our own experience in the technology revolution and leading in the next, let’s ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive.

Dr. Richard Savage is the superintendent of California Online Public Schools, an accredited, tuition-free online public school serving students in grades TK-12 across 32 California counties. He has taught high school Spanish, coached soccer and volleyball, and served as vice principal to over 2,500 students at Antelope Valley High School. He also coordinated a Distinguished School Award, a successful six-year accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and school-wide project-based learning implementation, during his time as school principal at Calistoga Junior/Senior High School. He holds an Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership from the University of Laverne. Connect on LinkedIn.

The post The AI Advantage appeared first on EdTech Digest.

HMH Read 180

25 June 2024 at 12:30

Read 180 represents a blended learning solution meticulously designed to elevate literacy proficiency and cultivate a growth mindset in Grades 3-12. Functioning as an intervention program, it extends essential support to all students reading below grade level, encompassing those with disabilities, special education requirements, and multilingual learners, including newcomers. At its core, Read 180 aligns with the latest findings in the science of reading research, delivering an empirically grounded program that amalgamates best practices in literacy instruction.

Read 180 effectively incorporate the well-regarded Scarborough’s Rope Model and the quintessential five pillars of reading into the pedagogical approach. The program seamlessly integrates teacher-led instruction and student application software, thereby enhancing students’ proficiency across all facets of the rope model. By meticulously addressing the fundamental components of reading, Read 180 serves as a cornerstone for struggling readers, enabling them to establish a robust foundation in reading and thereby enhancing their overall reading achievements.

Within the Read 180 paradigm, students are provided with independent reading options as well as access to the student application, guiding them along a customized path aligned with their zone of proximal development. This application encompasses six distinct zones: Explore, Reading, Language, Fluency, Writing, and Success. Student progression through these zones hinges on their performance in assessments, prior application activities, engagement metrics, personal interests, and teacher insights.

The hallmark of Read 180 lies in its systematic approach to nurturing students’ literacy aptitude, commencing with a focus on phonics and culminating in the development of fluency and ultimate proficiency. For these reasons and more, Read 180 from HMH is a Cool Tool Awards Winner for “Best Literacy / Reading Solution” as part of The EdTech Awards 2024 from EdTech Digest. Learn more.  

The post HMH Read 180 appeared first on EdTech Digest.
