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Rare woolly rhino mummies emerge from the permafrost

17 September 2024 at 16:31
Image of a tan rock surface with black and brown depictions of animals on it.

Enlarge / Portion of a reproduction of cave paintings in France, showing rhinos (among other species). (credit: JEFF PACHOUD)

For most people, an extinct species is an abstraction, a set of bones they might have seen on display in a museum. For Gennady Boeskorov, they are things he has interacted with directly, studying their fur, their skin, their internal organs—experiencing these animals much as they existed thousands of years ago. Some of the well-preserved Pleistocene animals he has worked with include the mummified remains of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius), an extinct form of rabbit (Lepus tanaiticus), and cave lion cubs (Panthera spelaea).

His latest paper also makes it clear that woolly rhinoceroses belong on this list. Boeskorov is a senior researcher at the Diamond and Precious Metals Geology Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as a professor at the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk. This July, he and his colleagues described the relatively recent discovery of three woolly rhinoceros mummies, one of which is new to science, in a paper published in the journal Doklady Earth Sciences.

Woolly rhinos (Coelodonta antiquitatis) were stocky, long-haired, two-horned denizens that inhabited Eurasia during the Pleistocene, a period that includes the most recent glacial expansion. They coexisted with woolly mammoths, placing second on the list of largest animals in this ecosystem (behind their tusked proboscidean coevals), and shared a similar dense coat of hair to protect against the cold.

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Mice made transparent with a dye used in Doritos

16 September 2024 at 18:58
Zihao Ou, who helped develop this solution, holds a tube of it.

Enlarge / Zihao Ou, who helped develop this solution, holds a tube of it.

One key challenge in medical imaging is to look past skin and other tissue that are opaque to see internal organs and structures. This is the reason we need things like ultrasonography, magnetic resonance, or X-rays. There are chemical clearing agents that can make tissue transparent, like acrylamide or tetrahydrofuran, but they are almost never used in living organisms because they’re either highly toxic or can dissolve away essential biomolecules.

But now, a team of Stanford University scientists has finally found an agent that can reversibly make skin transparent without damaging it. This agent was tartrazine, a popular yellow-orange food dye called FD&C Yellow 5 that is notably used for coloring Doritos.

Playing with light

We can’t see through the skin because it is a complex tissue comprising aqueous-based components such as cell interiors and other fluids, as well as protein and lipids. The refractive index is a value that indicates how much light slows down (on average, of course) while going through a material compared to going through a vacuum. The refractive index of those aqueous components is low, while the refractive index of the proteins and lipids is high. As a result, light traveling through skin constantly bends as it endlessly crosses the boundary between high and low refractive index materials.

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A single peptide helps starfish get rid of a limb when attacked

14 September 2024 at 13:07
A five-armed starfish, with orange and yellow colors, stretched out across a coral.

Enlarge (credit: Hal Beral)

For many creatures, having a limb caught in a predator’s mouth is usually a death sentence. Not starfish, though—they can detach the limb and leave the predator something to chew on while they crawl away. But how can they pull this off?

Starfish and some other animals (including lizards and salamanders) are capable of autonomy (shedding a limb when attacked). The biology behind this phenomenon in starfish was largely unknown until now. An international team of researchers led by Maurice Elphick, professor of Animal Physiology and Neuroscience at Queen Mary University of London, have found that a neurohormone released by starfish is largely responsible for detaching limbs that end up in a predator’s jaws.

So how does this neurohormone (specifically a neuropeptide) let the starfish get away? When a starfish is under stress from a predatory attack, this hormone is secreted, stimulating a muscle at the base of the animal’s arm that allows the arm to break off.

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Remembering where your meals came from key for a small bird’s survival

13 September 2024 at 15:07
a small, black and grey bird perched on the branch of a fir tree.

Enlarge (credit: BirdImages)

It seems like common sense that being smart should increase the chances of survival in wild animals. Yet for a long time, scientists couldn’t demonstrate that because it was unclear how to tell exactly if a lion or a crocodile or a mountain chickadee was actually smart or not. Our best shots, so far, were looking at indirect metrics like brain size or doing lab tests of various cognitive skills such as reversal learning, an ability that can help an animal adapt to a changing environment.

But a new, large-scale study on wild mountain chickadees, led by Joseph Welklin, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Nevada, showed that neither brain size nor reversal learning skills were correlated with survival. What mattered most for chickadees, small birds that save stashes of food, was simply remembering where they cached all their food. A chickadee didn’t need to be a genius to survive; it just needed to be good at its job.

Testing bird brains

“Chickadees cache one food item in one location, and they do this across a big area. They can have tens of thousands of caches. They do this in the fall and then, in the winter, they use a special kind of spatial memory to find those caches and retrieve the food. They are little birds, weight is like 12 grams, and they need to eat almost all the time. If they don’t eat for a few hours, they die,” explains Vladimir Pravosudov, an ornithologist at the University of Nevada and senior co-author of the study.

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Manipulating Brain Waves During Sleep With Sound

12 September 2024 at 15:38
This shows a woman sleeping.Sound stimulation can manipulate brain waves during REM sleep, a stage crucial for memory and cognition. Using advanced technology, researchers were able to increase the frequency of brain oscillations that slow down in dementia patients, potentially improving memory functions. The non-invasive technique could pave the way for innovative treatments for dementia by targeting brain activity during sleep. This approach offers hope for enhancing memory and cognition with minimal disruption to patients' lives.

AI Conversations Help Conspiracy Theorists Change Their Views

12 September 2024 at 15:09
AI-powered conversations can reduce belief in conspiracy theories by 20%. Researchers found that AI provided tailored, fact-based rebuttals to participants' conspiracy claims, leading to a lasting change in their beliefs. In one out of four cases, participants disavowed the conspiracy entirely. The study suggests that AI has the potential to combat misinformation by engaging people directly and personally.

High Doses of ADHD Meds Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk

12 September 2024 at 14:57
This shows pills and a head.Adults taking high doses of amphetamine-based medications for ADHD, such as Adderall, face a five-fold increased risk of developing psychosis or mania. The risk was highest for those taking 30 mg or more of dextroamphetamine, with 81% of psychosis or mania cases potentially avoidable by lowering the dose.

Key Neurons Found to Predict Memory of People and Places

12 September 2024 at 14:43
This shows neurons.Researchers have identified specific brain cells, known as concept neurons and location cells, that predict whether we will successfully remember people and places. These neurons in the medial temporal lobe and parahippocampal cortex become active during memory formation, responding to specific images and locations.

Neural Circuitry Behind Social Group Preferences Discovered

11 September 2024 at 23:33
This shows the outline of heads.Scientists have identified the brain circuitry that drives spiny mice to prefer larger social groups. The study shows that neural signaling from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to the lateral septum (LS) promotes social group-size preference. When this circuit was turned off, male mice preferred smaller groups, while female mice showed no preference. This research opens up new models for studying complex social behaviors and may provide insights into human social interactions.

Human-Dog Brain Activity Syncs During Bonding

11 September 2024 at 23:09
This shows a woman and a dog.During social interactions, human and dog brain activity becomes synchronized, with mutual gazing and petting enhancing this connection. Over five days, synchronization between human-dog pairs increased with familiarity, suggesting a leader-follower dynamic, where humans lead and dogs follow.

How the Brain Turns Sensory Input Into Action

11 September 2024 at 22:45
This shows a brain.Neuroscientists have uncovered how sensory input is transformed into motor action across multiple brain regions in mice. The study shows that decision-making is a distributed process across the brain, where neurons link sensory evidence to actions.

Old Easter Island genomes show no sign of a population collapse

11 September 2024 at 20:20
A row of grey rock sculptures of human torsos and heads, arranged in a long line.

Enlarge (credit: Jarcosa)

Rapa Nui, often referred to as Easter Island, is one of the most remote populated islands in the world. It's so distant that Europeans didn't stumble onto it until centuries after they had started exploring the Pacific. When they arrived, though, they found that the relatively small island supported a population of thousands, one that had built imposing monumental statues called moai. Arguments over how this population got there and what happened once it did have gone on ever since.

Some of these arguments, such as the idea that the island's indigenous people had traveled there from South America, have since been put to rest. Genomes from people native to the island show that its original population was part of the Polynesian expansion across the Pacific. But others, such as the role of ecological collapse in limiting the island's population and altering its culture, continue to be debated.

Researchers have now obtained genome sequence from the remains of 15 Rapa Nui natives who predate European contact. And they indicate that the population of the island appears to have grown slowly and steadily, without any sign of a bottleneck that could be associated with an ecological collapse. And roughly 10 percent of the genomes appear to have a Native American source that likely dates from roughly the same time that the island was settled.

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COVID Pandemic Hastened Brain Aging in Teens

9 September 2024 at 16:04
This shows a head and covid.The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated brain maturation in adolescents, particularly girls, with their brains aging by an average of 4.2 years. The study links this acceleration to the stress of reduced social interaction during lockdowns, affecting brain regions responsible for emotional regulation.

How Propofol Disrupts Consciousness Pathways

9 September 2024 at 15:42
This shows a head with swirly lines.Researchers have mapped how propofol, a widely used anesthetic, alters brain connectivity to induce unconsciousness. Using fMRI, they found that propofol disrupts connections in the thalamus, reducing complex information processing and limiting sensory integration.

Unlocking the Brain’s “Neural Code” Could Lead to Superhuman AI

9 September 2024 at 15:11
This shows a robot face.Researchers believe that cracking the brain's "neural code" could lead to AI surpassing human intelligence in capacity and speed. This neural code refers to how the brain processes sensory information and performs cognitive tasks like learning and problem-solving.

Are Smokers Really Less Likely to Develop Parkinson’s?

8 September 2024 at 15:55
This shows a brain surrounded by smoke.Low doses of carbon monoxide, similar to levels experienced by smokers, can protect against neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease models. Researchers discovered that carbon monoxide reduced the accumulation of the Parkinson’s-associated protein alpha-synuclein and activated pathways that limit oxidative stress.

Brain Activity in Craving Shown to Vary Rapidly

8 September 2024 at 15:22
This shows a brain.Researchers have developed a dynamic method to track rapid brain activity changes, especially related to craving. Unlike traditional neuroimaging, which captures only a snapshot of brain activity, this approach provides a real-time view of how craving fluctuates.

Tau Levels Predict Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s

7 September 2024 at 16:32
This shows butterflies flying from a head.Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression varies based on the presence of tau and amyloid-beta (Aβ) proteins in the brain. Patients with high levels of both tau and Aβ experience rapid memory decline, while those with high Aβ but low tau show a slower progression. The research emphasizes that tau levels are crucial for diagnosing and managing AD effectively. This insight could lead to more personalized treatment strategies as biomarker technology advances.

Role of Serotonin Release in Depression Uncovered

7 September 2024 at 15:58
This shows a depressed woman.Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on its role in depression. The study revealed that while serotonin levels in normal and “depressed” cells are similar, depressive cells release significantly less serotonin.