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26 August 2024 at 19:51

Here’s a great communication tool for learners with autism. Pyramid Educational Consultants, the pioneers behind the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), recently launched PECSTalk™, an innovative communication app designed for learners with autism and other complex communication needs. Available now for Android tablet users, PECSTalk™ merges decades of proven strategies with modern technology, offering an intuitive, user-friendly experience; redefining how non-speaking individuals communicate.

The cool factor of this tool lies in its simplicity and versatility. With fewer steps required to build and speak a message, users experience less frustration and more successful communication. The app’s streamlined interface mirrors a traditional PECS Communication Book, yet it supports a much broader vocabulary, thanks to its Speech-Generating Device (SGD) capabilities.

Customization is at the core of the tool. Users can access the extensive Pics for PECS® image library, choose from 14 languages, and tailor voice outputs, creating a truly personalized communication experience. The app also allows caregivers and educators to back up data, transfer information, and share books across devices, making it easier to support learners in various environments.

Whether making requests, asking questions, or expressing feelings, PECSTalk™ empowers non-speaking individuals to fully participate in their world. A free version with limited functionality is available, making this essential tool accessible to more learners. Learn more

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Bouncy’s Ready to Learn Resilience Program from Ripple Effects

19 August 2024 at 12:30

Bouncy’s Ready to Learn Resilience Program is anchored by Breathing Bouncy(TM), a bilingual animatronic service dog. The program uses a multi-sensory approach to help children in grades preK-1, develop positive, secure relationships and build essential social emotional competencies needed for school success.

In addition to being used as part of whole class instruction, Bouncy the Service Dog provides a just-in-time, evidence-based response to support students when they are dysregulated. Unique, proprietary technology differentiates Breathing Bouncy from other edtech solutions in that he breathes at a slowed pediatric rate, allowing children to soothe and self-regulate when they hold him belly-to-belly and feel his chest move in sync with his breathing. While the physical Breathing Bouncy anchors the research-based learning system, the program features both physical and digital elements.

Used across settings, the program includes character-driven apps, music videos, games, interactive books and more to reinforce the relationship and provide differentiated, play-based skill practice and reinforcement.

Many of the elements are available in Spanish and English. In several pilots studies conducted with children identified as chronically disruptive, the program resulted in an increased ability [of children] to slow breathing on demand. Furthermore, those same children were able, in real-time, to transfer self-regulation skills during meltdown situations, which led to a reduction in problem behaviors, freeing up substantially more instruction time for the teacher.

For these reasons and more, Bouncy’s Ready to Learn Resilience Program from Ripple Effects was named “Best Early Childhood Learning Solution” as part of The EdTech Awards from EdTech Digest. Learn more.

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axis3 by Creatively Focused

16 August 2024 at 12:30

Educators working in Special Education have a new friend in this very cool tool. In axis3, Creatively Focused connects special education teams on one user-friendly platform to help simplify their workflows and enhance their access to training, education, and professional development resources. Educators know exactly what needs to be worked on, and when it needs to be completed by without having to search, wonder, or worry.

Within axis3, special educators understand exactly where they are at on crucial timelines and paperwork which leads to increased visibility and compliance. A combination of achievable tasks that are relevant to the students each educator serves, along with the paperwork needed and any associated learning are provided and customized by role.

Creatively Focused is empowering educators with the time and resources they need for a fulfilling, lifelong career. In axis3, educators can connect with the people who are going to support their role the best. Sometimes that might be a person within the district, or it might be a person from the Creatively Focused team. But ultimately, it’s a person who understands that educator’s workday changes quickly. This reduces the feeling of isolation, and an environment to learn in the flow of work on topics that are relevant.

“Creatively Focused embodies what it means to be a true partner,” says Sara Pratt, Director of Special Services at Northfield Public Schools. “The platform has been incredibly simple to both implement and use, making it easy for our staff to get up and running.” For these reasons and many more, axis3 by Creatively Focused was named “Best Workflow Management for Special Educators” as part of The EdTech Awards 2024 from EdTech Digest. Learn more

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BuddyBooks from ObjectiveEd

2 August 2024 at 12:30

BuddyBooks, funded through a National Science Foundation grant, helps struggling readers, such as students with dyslexia, ADHD or other reading disabilities, improve their reading skills. It works by students and a computer take turns reading passages from a book together. Since the student is reading every other sentence, it’s a lower cognitive load. That means students can read at their interest level, not their reading skill level, that they might think are “kiddie” books.

For students with dyslexia or other reading disabilities, BuddyBooks comes with over 1 million fiction and non-fiction books.

Using Natural Language Processing, the computer verifies the student has read each sentence correctly. BuddyBooks uses this assessment information to provide feedback to the student and to provide to teachers an oral reading assessment, so the teacher can quickly target their reading instruction based on the student’s individual needs. Teachers are seeing a 24% improvement in fluency when students use BuddyBooks.

For these reasons and more, BuddyBooks from ObjectiveEd is a Cool Tool Awards Winner for “Best Special Needs / Assistive Technology Solution” as part of The EdTech Awards 2024 from EdTech Digest. Learn more

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Are Schools and Edtech Companies Ready for the Digital Accessibility Deadline?

19 July 2024 at 10:00

When Jacob, a 10th grader with vision impairment, signed up for an AP class, it made him feel like a castaway.

His ambitions to learn were thwarted because his teacher had assigned handouts and a three-week-long lesson plan that relied on a website that wasn’t easy for him to navigate. So he felt frustrated, isolated: “I am stranded on this desert island because that site doesn't work [with my screen reader],” Jacob later told a researcher, also adding, “You can't just re-change your whole teaching plan, especially when you've distributed it.”

Like Jacob, many students with disabilities are forced to work extra, advocates argue. They have to learn just like other students, but they can also have to deal with assignments they can’t access and other digital hurdles. That’s particularly the case in K-12 classes, where teaching materials may be hard to parse, according to the preprint of a research article that argues that many of these students have to figure out how to access basic documents on their own, outside of school. (The article cites Jacob’s story, though the author declined to provide further details to EdSurge, citing ethical concerns.)

But there’s a push to change that.

In April, the U.S. Department of Justice published its final rule for web and mobile accessibility. It updated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the law that requires state and local governments to supply equal opportunity — including in services like public schools, community colleges and public universities — for people with disabilities. The update is meant to expand access by spelling out specific technical standards government entities must follow.

This latest update was crucial because it set a clock for when schools' digital materials have to be accessible and specifies standards for how to measure whether they are, according to some observers.

Ticking Clock

Under the new guidelines, digital text, images, audio, videos, documents, controls and animations must meet a series of “success criteria.” Per reporting from Community College Daily, these include:

  • “Content should not be limited to a single display orientation, such as portrait or landscape.
  • Captions are provided for all live audio content in synchronized media.
  • Captions are provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronized media.
  • Audio description is provided for all prerecorded video content in synchronized media.
  • Non-text content should have an equivalent text alternative.
  • Colors used are bold enough to be seen on the screen.”

It’s historic that the law now clearly signals the way for public institutions to measure digital accessibility, says Glenda Sims, the chief information accessibility officer for Deque Systems, a company focused on digital accessibility. These sort of requirements have been known about for years, she adds, but now there’s a “ruler” in law for measuring if they’ve been met.

Some disability advocates say they appreciate that the Justice Department shifted the burden away from students. Until now, students — and sometimes teachers — have had to work to make digital content accessible, says Natalie Shaheen, an assistant professor of blind education at Illinois State University’s College of Education.

But under the rule, educational institutions are responsible for the websites and materials they use for education. So now, schools have to worry about purchasing inaccessible materials, according to Elizabeth Barker, a senior technical assistant and project director for CAST, a nonprofit that created the Universal Design for Learning framework.

While not new, the obligations in the rule have become pressing.

Depending on their population size, school districts and state and local governments have until April 2026 or April 2027 to ensure their web content and mobile apps comply with Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

It will mean they have to act fast.

“Most public colleges and universities are facing a two-year compliance clock that started ticking a few months ago,” wrote Jarret Cummings, a senior advisor for policy and government relations at Educause, in an email to EdSurge. It’s vital that they “quickly engage their corporate providers” to figure out how they will meet these standards in time, Cummings wrote.

That applies to K-12 as well: Districts should be vetting accessibility as part of their procurement process, says Barker, of CAST.

For private edtech companies, it’s slightly more complicated. Vendors are “indirectly responsible” for these rules, according to experts. The weight of the rule falls on public institutions themselves — K-12 schools, colleges and universities — but if vendors want to keep working with these educational institutions, they also need to become compliant, according to Sims, of Deque Systems.

Right now, it seems like families can’t sue the vendors directly, she says. But that doesn’t mean they can ignore this. In fact, she adds, contracts with schools can mean there could be “legal pressure” on vendors if they don’t also follow the guidelines. Eventually, they could even face lawsuits from families. For example, in California, there’s a proposal for a law that would allow people to directly sue companies whose websites aren’t accessible. Sims says she is closely watching the bill.

There’s also a “business case” for considering accessibility during the design of products, Sims says. As it dawns on schools that they are responsible for the digital accessibility of the companies they purchase from, companies that can prove accessibility will benefit. What’s more, the cost of fixing accessibility issues is significantly higher once a product is released rather than in the design phase, argues Sims, stressing the need to carefully consider these issues early on. Cost can climb quickly, she says, especially when some reviews have detected multiple accessibility problems across home pages.

On the Hook

Accessibility has become a major focus area in education policy. The revised national edtech plan from the U.S. Department of Education flagged “access” as one of three major technological divides — access, design and use — that can prevent students from fully engaging with education. At the time it was released, experts said they hoped the revision would move the national conversation beyond mere access to edtech and into how effective tech is for learning. But funding lapses this year have threatened to reduce access, including the end of the Federal Communications Commission’s “Affordable Connectivity Program,” which was key in connecting many families to the internet.

Will all this translate to greater access for disabled students? Advocates are optimistic, especially in the wider context of pro-accessibility legislation.

“This is certainly the most we’ve seen — ever,” says Shaheen, of Illinois State. There may be more to come. The Education Department is planning an update to its IT accessibility regulations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, for which these latest changes provide a template, according to Cummings, of Educause. That rule would apply to private institutions, he wrote, adding: “So, private colleges and universities should consider getting a head start on the accessibility requirements most likely heading their way.”

To Shaheen, removing barriers for disabled students in reality relies on schools grabbing for the obvious. Schools aren’t taking full advantage of what's known about building digital interfaces that are easier for disabled students to use, she says. But, she adds, the most common barriers to disabled K-12 students are the easiest to fix. For example: One common hurdle is that images don’t have “alternative text,” she adds. This is an alternative representation of the image for blind and low-vision people, and it can usually be added without special expertise in programming because many content creation platforms already have the capability as a built-in feature, she says. So whoever is creating the content simply would need to right-click on the image and add the alternative text.

Still, to really help disabled students, schools need to be more “proactive,” Shaheen argues. That involves devoting resources and people to delivering greater accessibility, she says.

Yet resources may be hard to come by, since the K-12 and college sectors are under enormous pressure right now. They are facing a number of stark challenges that include slumping student academic scores coming back from the pandemic, declining enrollments and the end of ESSER funding.

Another wrinkle: Unless they’ve been following it, K-12 schools might not even know that they are on the hook for their vendors, says Barker, of CAST. It hasn’t received enough attention, she adds.

Still, for advocates like Shaheen, there are many teachers and families around the country dedicated to increasing accessibility, and the formal rule gives them extra muscle, she says: “Sometimes it’s hard to make social justice things happen. But it's pretty amazing what some teachers can get done.”

© Photo By Reshetnikov_art/Shutterstock

Are Schools and Edtech Companies Ready for the Digital Accessibility Deadline?